The Trip Planning Committee will be meeting in mid-November.
I'm soliciting paddles that the membership would like to do.
Please suggest;
- A club paddle that you particularly enjoyed and would like to do again,
- A club paddle that you missed and would really like to do.
- Go to the "Events" page and go to "List View". Hit the button for "Previous" and you can see what we have scheduled in the past to help jog your mind.
- Go to the Show and Go page and see what has happened over time that you would like to do
- Tell me a particular paddle that is not on any list and you would really like to do.
- Suggest any area that you think we should concentrate" More Edisto River paddles".
Note: the more detail you can provide for a trip, the "How about taking a rising tide and go from Buck Hall up to the forest service landing on Awendaw Creek"...but you do not have to be that specific. "an Awendaw Creek paddle" would be OK.
Any general comments you wish we would take into consideration.
IMPORTANT: To keep from overloading members' emails, please reply to me directly and not hit "reply" to this email since the replies go to everyone.
My email address is:
Thanks! I hope to see you on the water soon!
Ralph Earhart
843 509 3037